Valentine's Day is all about showing the love and gratitude we have for one another. At home and in the classroom we're reading more books on love, family, and relationships. We're thinking about nice gestures we can do for our loved ones and classmates.
Although February 14th was traditionally thought of as a couple's day, it definitely isn't anymore! We can celebrate love with our kids, our parents, our friends, or colleagues. Kids love to exchange valentines with one another and make special treats.
In our family we always have a special dinner and the kids get a fun little treat. Acknowledging Valentine's Day is a really nice way to celebrate one another and spread more love and good vibes! We always love a good reason to celebrate in our house!
I've compiled some fun Valentine's Day gratitude activities for your classroom or your own children. You can access it here.
Included is a Valentine's Day gratitude journal page, a scavenger hunt, an acrostic poem, writing pages, create your own valentine and conversation hearts, a word search, and coloring pages.
You'll find activities for a Valentine's literacy lesson, art class, activities for transition times, and for those early finishers.
I hope you and your students or kids enjoy these activities and I'd love to hear what you think! Do you have any other ideas of activities I can add to the pack?