You're all signed up!
I'm so excited you're joining me and many other teachers in our mission to teach grateful and fulfilled students. Be sure to check your inbox for all the info you'll need to participate in the Little Things Challenge. And remember, I'll be popping into your inbox once a week with the prompts for that week.
But since you're here, you can take a peak right now at some of the resources you'll be using.
How does the challenge work?
It's simple! Start with the quick, free lesson on gratitude to start the conversation in your classroom.
Then, use the printable journal pages and daily prompts (coming to your inbox) to implement a daily gratitude practice that takes only a couple of minutes a day.
You will also be able to grab a copy of "The Little Things Journal" very soon so each of your students can continue this practice throughout the entire school year!
As a bonus for signing up for the challenge, you can use the code: TheLittleThings to get 15% off of the story that inspired this challenge, "The Little Things: Finding Gratitude in Life's Simple Moments". It's a perfect read aloud for getting the discussion started in your home or elementary classroom.

Why should I implement a gratitude practice in my classroom?
Gratitude has been proven to be one of the healthiest of all human emotions. It not only reduces stress and anxiety, but it also makes us happier, healthier, and calmer. Practicing gratitude increases concentration and focus, makes us better problem solvers and communicators, and makes us more resilient, all while increasing our self-esteem and confidence - Everything we're helping our students work toward every day!
Starting your day with a quick gratitude practice may only take 1-2 minutes out of your day, but it will add so much value to your classroom experiences and your students' lives.
So what are you waiting for? Jump in to the challenge today!